Woods Chapel Church Cemetery

Location: South of Mt. Jackson, Virginia. One mile east of state 620 on 826.
1.  Sarah Jewel Jan. 2, 1829  Sept. 15, 1904 age 75 years 8 mo
     13 ds.

2.  Myrtle M. daughter of D. W. & M. C. Shaffer 1897 - 1914

3.  Annie Hussey  Apr. 9, 1852  Nov. 22, 1919 aged 67 yrs 7 mo
     13 ds

4.  Albert Lee son of R. J. & Rebecca Alther July 22, 1891  Feb.
     5, 1914 

5.  Reubon C. Hiden May 18, 1841 March 6, 1904  age 62 yrs 9 mos
     17 ds
     Mary J. his wife May 10, 1841 Apr. 13, 1916  age 75 yrs 11
     mos 3 ds.

Calvin Sonner cal@shentel.net